Necromancer Abilities
Animate Dead
Revive the first minion you control that is eliminated with 100% of Average Health stack.
Preflop Ability Phase
Flip a Coin. If it's heads, all opponents take 15% of their health pool in damage. If the result is tails, all minions at your table take 30% of their health in damage.
Blood Oath
Preflop Ability Phase
Minions you control gain health equal to 30% of your current health pool as well as 5% leech bonus.
Cursed Button
Preflop Ability Phase
For the next two cycles, whenever a player who possesses the button wins a hand, you leech 25% of that pot.
Curse Goblin Sapper
Preflop Ability Phase
End of hand, Sapper explodes dealing 10% of opponents health in damage. Winning the hand, opponents get Hex debuff for 6 hands.
Deal with the Devil
Flop Ability Phase
Lose 30% of your health to regain 1 ability of your choice.
Death Toll
Preflop and UTG
All opponents who lose the current hands showdown take an additional 10% of the pot in damage. The total damage is added to the next hand's preflop pot.
Preflop Ability Phase
Target player has a random non Dragon minion under their control eliminated. If that player is a Cleric they take 20% of that Minions health pool in damage.
Flop Ability Phase
Target opponent sits out for 3 hands and gains the Hexed debuff for 6 hands. Duration of effect cannot be increased or decreased. Disabled heads up.
Family Heirlooms
River Ability Phase
Take 10% of the current pot in damage adding it to the pot, if an ability from an opponent caused you to discard hole cards this turn, discard your new cards and replace them with your old ones.
Feed an Army
Preflop Ability Phase
For the next 12 hands, subtract your hero's leech percentage from any pots you win and divide it evenly among all minions you control.
Feign Death
Shelter for 9 hands, 3 at the final table. Cannot use when heads up.
Flayed Skin
Flop and Turn Ability Phase
All opponents debuffs have their duration and effect doubled.
Hex Minions
Preflop Ability Phase
All minions at your table gain the hexed debuff for 12 hands.
March of the Undead
Preflop Ability Phase
Any opponent in the event that loses a showdown to a minion you control in the next two cycles, gains the hexed debuff for 12 hands.
Mass Hex
Preflop Ability Phase
All opponents gain the hexed debuff for the next cycle.
Flop Ability Phase
Opponents choose to either show both hole cards or get the Hex debuff for 8 hands.
New Recruit
If you control 5 or less minions at the start of event, create an additional Lich minion under your control.
Flop Ability Phase
The target player gains the hexed debuff. In case of a showdown loss, they take an additional 25% of the pot in health damage. This can result in elimination.
Poison Nova
Preflop and UTG
Straddle for free, any opponent folding preflop gains the poison debuff for 6 hands.
When eliminated, take the place of the minion under your control with the highest health pool.
Remove Curse
Flop and River Ability Phase
Remove any debuffs you and your minions have.
Distribute a pot you win evenly to all minions you control.
Soul Stealer
Ability Phase
Kill all your Minions, 45% of their health goes to you.
Time of Madness
Burn the board and replace all 5 cards with new ones.
Time of Uncertainty
All players discard their hole cards and draw two new ones.
Vampiric Touch
Preflop and Flop Ability Phase
Target opponent takes 20% health pool damage, you leech half of that.
Preflop Ability Phase
Take 20% of your health pool in damage. Divide x3 that amount evenly among all minions you control.
Last updated