Warrior Abilities

Ability Name
When Playable


Preflop Ability Phase

All opponents receive the bleeding state for 12 hands.

Armor Up

Preflop Ability Phase

Double the health of a random minion you control. You also get 25% of that health.

Axe Fling


When winning a showdown, losing opponents take an additional 25% of the pot in damage which goes to you.

Battle Roar

Preflop Ability phase and BB

Force everyone still in the hand to put in 2 additional Big Blinds.


Flop Ability Phase

Pay 25% of the pot into the pot, then all opponents still in the hand must pay 15% of the pot into the pot.


Preflop Ability Phase

Kill all your Minions, 50% of their health goes to you.


Preflop and UTG

Straddle for free, any opponent folding preflop gains the bleeding debuff for a cycle.


Preflop Ability Phase

Force adjacent players still in hand to pay the last raise amount again into the pot.


Flop Ability Phase

Destroy target minion with less health than you. Heal for 60% of that minions health pool.

Drinking Buddies


If an adjacent opponent wins this hand, leech 40% of the pot.



Winning showdown, eliminate target minion with less health than you. Gain 45% of its health.

Flesh Wound

Preflop Ability Phase

All opponents receive the bleeding debuff for 9 hands.

Fully Armored


When losing a showdown, heal for 35% of the pot. (Brittle)

Golden Goblin Sapper

Preflop Ability Phase

End of hand, Sapper explodes dealing 10% of opponents health in damage. Winning the hand, reactivate random non sapper exhausted ability.

Intimidating Shout

Turn Ability Phase

All opponents discard 1 random card, Thieves discard both.



If only 1 raise ahead of you, raise pot and force original raiser to call and all other opponents to fold.

Lift Curse

Flop & River Ability Phase

Remove all debuffs from yourself, apply 1 randomly to all players for 6 hands and base damage.

Live or Die


Receive an additional 40% of the pot in health when winning showdown all in.

Mercenary Contract

Flop Ability Phase

If you raised in this hand previously, win 45% of the pot if you lose.

Might makes Right

Preflop Ability Phase

Take control of the button for 3 hands. Gain 40% extra health from pots won during this time.

Minion Brawl

Preflop and UTG

Make a min raise and force all minions at the table to call. Minions not all in fold.

Mortal Blow

Preflop Ability Phase

Any minion with less than 50% of your health postflop that doesn’t win, is eliminated. 50% of their health goes to you.



When losing a showdown, winning player takes 35% of the pot in damage and gets heavy bleeding for 6 hands.

Severed Limb

Preflop and UTG

Chop off your arm and swing it dealing 5% damage that cannot be blocked to everyone and heal for that amount.

Shield Bash


When winning a showdown, deal 25% of the pot in damage to target losing opponent.

Shield Slam

Preflop and UTG

Make a Minimum raise for free and block all further raises for the rest of the hand.


Preflop Ability Phase

Instantly win the pot if it is less than or equal to six big blinds if no one is all in.

Threat of Violence

Preflop Ability Phase

Force all players still in the hand to put 3 big blinds into the pot.



When on a win streak of 2 hands, receive an extra 50% of the pot in health for each hand continuing the win streak.


Preflop and UTG

Raise 3x. All opponents call.

Last updated