Equipment List

Bolstered: Multiply the % chance of activation by the amount of opponent's at the table.


Ankh Necklace

20% chance to collect 12% of any pot you go to the flop in.

Antidote Potion

Bolstered: When you possess the button, 10% chance to remove all debuffs on you and all minions you control.

Base Defense

Bolstered: 8% chance when you are in the Big Blind no one can raise Preflop.


Winning at showdown with AT, AJ, AQ or AK gives you a 65% chance to reactivate a previously used random ability.


13% of hands your hole cards are face down. Win an extra 100% of the pot in health.


Eliminating a Minion at showdown gives you a 50% chance to spawn an Imp with 40% Avg chip stack. Takes that seat.


10% Chance for a free straddle.


Opponents beating you in a Showdown gain the bleeding debuff for a cycle. Deactivated with 2 players left. Doesn't stack.

Collection Plate

12% chance all players pay an additional ante directly to you preflop.

Crystal Ball

7% chance preflop to reveal all hole cards of opponents. Only visible to you.

Cursed Pentagram

Opponents beating you at Showdown gain the hex debuff for 3 hands. Deactivated heads up. Doesn't stack.

Cursed Ring

Gives you 12% of an average health stack every time you are on the button, but makes you sit out. Disabled 3 or less players.


+10% Pickpocket.

Demonic Gauntlet

Hex everyone for 1 hand, but nothing can extend it or increase the damage. This does not stack.

Dragon Skull

When all-in, breath fire causing the burning debuff to anyone who folds, until they win a hand. Deactivated when heads up. Does not stack.

Dragon Tooth Talisman

Knocking out a human gives you a 60% chance to reactivate a random ability.

Energy Shield

50% chance to absorb any direct damage or debuffs that come from equipment.

Eye of Foresight

30% chance to see the first card of the flop, pre-flop.

Family Heirlooms

If an ability from an opponent caused you to discard hole cards this turn, you have the choice to keep the new cards or discard and return old cards.

Fishing Pole

20% chance per hand to heal minions you control for 12% of average health pools.

Gorgon Leash

If you have 5 or less minions at start of event, create a Gorgon under your control as well.

Great Axe

20% extra health earned in a showdown win vs minions, 10% vs players.

Great Hammer

Deal 20% of pots won in showdown in health damage to minions losing showdown. 10% vs players.

Healing Potion

One Time use : When ending a hand under 25% of starting health pool, recover 25% of average health pools.

Jeweler's Loupe

Steal 8% of the pot if there's at least 2 diamonds on the flop.

Kite Shield

Bolstered: 11% chance for a free small blind.


12% chance to steal all antes preflop.


Bolstered: 4% chance when possessing button to deal 10% of your health pool in damage to all opponents.

Lucky Dice

Winning with 7-2 hole cards gives 250% the pot in health before showdown or 1000% after showdown.

Marked Cards

60% chance preflop to see the flop if you have a pocket pair.

Midas Crown

Winning showdowns with a Straight or better wins an extra 40% of the pot in health.


+40% starting health for all your minions.

Phoenix Ashes

When ending a hand with 0 health, heal for 60% of an average health pool, however you lose all your equipment.

Platemail Breastplate

+30% Starting Health, +5% for each additional Platemail.

Platemail Gauntlets

+25% Starting Health.

Platemail Helm

+25% Starting Health.

Platemail Leggings

+25% Starting Health.

Prayer Beads

Heal 8% of an average health pool if there's at least 2 hearts on the flop.

Quicksilver Mirror

25% chance any debuff applied to you from an ability controlled by another player, is also applied that that abilities controller instead.

Raven's Eye Amulet

35% chance the Turn card is revealed to you after the flop.

Ring of Regeneration

Gain 7% of average health pools when you possess the button, deactivated when heads up. 6% chance to remove all debuffs.

Round of Drinks

12% chance to win 15% of any pot won by the player to your immediate left and right. Disabled when heads up.

Short Bow

35% chance when you have the button to, deal 10% of your health pool damage to the player with the highest health.

Silken Gloves

+20% Starting health and -1 duration to any debuffs on you.

Silken Hat

+10% Starting health and -3 duration to any debuffs on you.

Silken Pants

+15% Starting health and -2 duration to any debuffs on you.

Silken Robe

+5% Starting health and -4 duration to debuffs on you.

Sleep Potion

One time use : When ending a hand under 30% of the average health pool, shelter and gain healing buff for a 5 hands, 3 at the final table. Cannot be used when heads up.

Smoke Bomb

One time use: Ending a hand with 0 health, instead of being eliminated pick pocket 5%-20% of the pot.


Bolstered: When you possess the button, 3% chance to reactivate a random ability you have used already this event.

Spiked Collar

+25% Leech to all minions you control. +10% of the total pots you win are distributed to your minions.

Spiked Tower Shield

40% chance to make everyone call your Big Blind and you check. This can put them all in. (Bolstered)


13% chance to reveal a hole card of all opponents during preflop. Only visible to you.


+3 added to your Minion points.

Staff of Domination

+10% leech and +25% starting health to all minions you control.

Sticky Gloves

Bolstered: 6% chance when you are on the button, you keep it again next hand.

Studded Leather Cap

+10% Starting health and +3 duration to all debuffs you inflict.

Studded Leather Chest

+20% Starting health and +1 duration, +1 duration for each additional Studded.

Studded Leather Gauntlets

+5% Starting health and +4 duration to all debuffs you inflict.

Studded Leather Leggings

15% Starting health and +2 duration to all debuffs you inflict.


When you possess the button, minions you control gain 12% of average health pools at the start of their next hand. Deactivated when heads up


40% chance to have the River revealed to you on the Turn.

Tower Shield

Bolstered: 8% Chance for a free big blind.

Vial of Poison

+4 duration to any Debuffs you inflict.

Wand of Decay

One time use : When winning a showdown against a minion, destroy that minion and absorb 100% of its health pool.

War Axe

Damage all players 6% of an average health pool if there's at least 2 clubs on the flop.

War Drums

Bolstered: 7% chance when you have the button no one but you can use abilities this turn.


+1% effect added to Debuffs you inflict.

Last updated